Wednesday, March 17, 2021

BTW... (Comments on a local FB page)

The built environment of Shepherdstown is finished, complete, and has been for decades. There will not ever be any new construction of housing, or anything else for that matter.

What land there is available AROUND and OUTSIDE of Shepherdstown is "unincorporated", and therefore immune to any such planning schemes.

On that land, it's only up to the market to decide, and the market will not ever be interested in "affordable, equitable, shared, sustainable, alternative" housing ideas. Those things happen in areas where such ideals are FORCED through planning regulation, and have never been voluntary.

The market serves banks selling mortgages on private fiefdoms for petit barons, who never will actually OWN their estate.

--Your friendly neighborhood radical antiquarian architectural designer.


I shall continue to work on the things I CAN do by myself to affect positive change for my clients, and leave the big picture ideas to those that still have faith in working with "community" and committees.

--Your STOIC friendly neighborhood radical antiquarian architectural designer.


Yes, there are many hoops both a landlord and tenants have to go through to qualify for government subsidized housing schemes.

There are not, however, ANY hoops or obstacles preventing a landlord from charging a reasonable rent based on ACTUAL COST OF OWNERSHIP rather than "market value" (I.E. collusion, price fixing). Thereby reaping a profit off a tenant fully subsidizing the landlords investment.

It should not be the tenant's, nor the government's burden to pay for someone's investment.

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