Saturday, March 28, 2020

Best dad is comrade dad

"You can have rather profound ideas or at least come up with better ways of expressing ones by explaining things to your children. Example; we were talking about money, long term(retirement) savings, and enjoying life while you are still young and trying to maintain a balance. She asked me why it was so hard to find a balance. I just replied "because money as we know it now isn't real or natural, so it has no place in nature. All natural things move towards achieving harmony. Money does not. It moves towards those who will take it. Any life dependent on money in any way, directly or indirectly, will never find true harmony."
 It's nothing new as far as how I see things, but I have never said it or even thought of it like that consciously. It just came out. I think sometimes when explaining important topics to your children, parental instincts enable your intuition to flow freer and break down the wall between what we know and what we think. Very useful evolutionary byproduct."

-Chase Zarefoss

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