Tuesday, February 02, 2010

"Starving And Stunted Dwarves"

"Starving And Stunted Dwarves": "

Hitch reviews B.R. Myers' The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters:

[A] North Korean is on average six inches shorter than a
South Korean. You may care to imagine how much surplus value has been
wrung out of such a slave, and for how long, in order to feed and
sustain the militarized crime family that completely owns both the
country and its people. But this is what proves Myers right.
Unlike previous racist dictatorships, the North Korean one has actually
succeeded in producing a sort of new species. Starving and stunted
dwarves, living in the dark, kept in perpetual ignorance and fear,
brainwashed into the hatred of others, regimented and coerced and
inculcated with a death cult: This horror show is in our future, and is
so ghastly that our own darling leaders dare not face it and can only
peep through their fingers at what is coming.

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