Thursday, August 27, 2020

Riots don’t make any sense
They are every kind of ridiculous
Every kind of counterproductive
If you’ve been in one, you know 
I’ve been in more than one
They do everything wrong
We do everything wrong
Every liberal critique by every liberal ever...
Who wouldn’t be caught dead at a riot...
Except to protect windows or call more cops...
Was right...
There weren’t planning meetings, 
With breakout groups
We didn’t agree on slogans,
And paint them on signs,
While someone played their favorite protest mix
No one took notes...
No one made a list of black owned businesses...
No one made copies and passed them out,
Asking who would make sure that didn’t go wrong
No one submitted a grant proposal
Or shopped around a mission statement,
Soliciting edits
No one did any of the things we’ve been told
We are required to do, to change things
The younger people in the riot
Haven’t met anyone in any of those groups
That do all of those things right
Those anointed groups are painfully small
And sometimes hard to find
And sometimes hard to join
The older people in the riot
Have watched those groups
Slowly fail or run in circles
Or do their best in one of many many lanes
Against too many odds and too many rules
Some of the people in the riots
Are in those anointed groups
Started and built those groups
They hide their faces not only to stay out of jail
But to protect reputations, budgets, and turf
Then go to work the next day
With tear gas still in their nose
With another trauma thumping around their chest
Lying about what they did last night
Trying to do the emotional math
That makes people who don’t see them
Still somehow their friends and comrades
I’ve watched people put up posters
And wonder if they made a difference
I’ve watched people phone bank
And wonder if they made a difference
I’ve watched people organize massive protests
And organizing drives
And wonder if they’ve made a difference
In those riots, i didn’t wonder
I’ve never seen such immediate obvious change
Next day change
Instant change
Systemic change
Change we didn’t ask for
Change we didn’t know to ask for
Riots work
The skateboard smashing a bank window
Raised hundreds of thousands of dollars
For anti racist non profits
The flaming Mercedes dealership
Got Cops fired
The Target stripped clean
Got more groups more volunteers
Than any phone banking ever could
The teenagers running into the flaming pharmacy
With a list of medications
Desperately needed on the block
Got the charges dropped
faster than the best movement attorney ever could
Riots are a fucking mess
I’ve never felt in such danger
I’ve never met so many people
Not sure if they would survive
So determined to find the most dangerous
Direct route to cataclysmic transformation 
Every time
I’ve seen cops pointing guns
At me, people I love,
Or strangers I’m now ready to die for
Every time, we do everything wrong
Every time, there is a horrible cost
Every time, we win
Every time
Riots work

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