Friday, July 31, 2020

Thomas Clay Jr.:
“Herman Cain has died from the Rona after spending a month in the hospital. His family is mourning and that's a good thing. I'm not mourning at all. Why just last night I made a comment about Mr. Cain right before I went to sleep and when I awoke, one of my messages said 'Rona 1 Herman Cain 0.' 
Yay I sayeth unto you dear friends that I am extremely pleased by his death and I do sincerely hope it is hot enough where he is now and that his family's suffering is so great that they abandon all the scumbagginess that made their patriarchal menace the abominable piece of shit that he was. 
I have hated Herman Cain since I got my first job when I was 14 as a busboy. I was paid like all restaurant workers $2.01 an hour plus tips. That was because human pustule Herman Cain owned the Godfather's Pizza and like every greedy scumbag Republican, when Cain learned that his waiters and waitresses were making more than minimum wage in his shithole restaurants, he wanted to pay them less and include the tips as part of their income. So he got that law passed nationwide. Yeah, that was him. He did it.  He's the very reason why restaurants don't have to pay a base minimum wage which always comes back to haunt workers at tax time because their $2.01 an hour never accrues enough to pay income taxes. 
Herman Cain was a jabbering dupe of an imbecile which made him a perfect Republican presidential candidate because they just love the stupid. Herman Cain ain't got no time for knowing who the president of 'Beck Becky Beckystan' is. He was too busy sexually harassing his female employees who sued him and he settled more than one. 
It was the great Clarence Darrow who said, 'I have never wished death on anyone but I have read certain obituaries with a lot of satisfaction.' 
I have wished death on others. I wished death on Herman Cain just last night and now that he's dead I feel even more satisfied. I am downright ecstatic that lowly piece of shit is burning in hell right now. 
Several years ago another Republican scumbag claimed a friend of mine said, 'you wounded warriors deserve to die.' It didn't matter that she never said it. It didn't matter that she got hundreds of death threats. It didn't matter that she was doing chemo. It didn't matter that Republican shitbags told her they were going to hack her bank accounts and take all her money. It didn't matter that they called her mother and told her to prepare for her funeral. It didn't matter that in terror she withdrew her savings and that her insurance lapsed and she had to delay her chemotherapy. Nothing mattered to any Republican more than their own outrage. 
Herman Cain posted that lie to his million odd followers and the consequences of his imbecility made the police put a squad car on her house for 24/7. So don't you dare tell me that I should respect anything about Herman Cain. I am filled with glee now that he is dead. I hope I can piss on that son of a bitch's grave someday. 
He was a typical Republican imbecile that dared the Rona to get him and no amount of hydroxy or Jesus could ever save that bastard from Satan's imps. He was FED UP about wearing a mask and now beautiful sweet Karma has punished that wicked and evil man. The only thing I hate about it is that he got to live 74 years on this good earth when if there was any such thing as divine justice, mercy would have killed him 40 years ago. 
Anyone who is sad about Herman Cain dying is human garbage, period.”

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