Friday, April 03, 2020

The "Ten things I love that others don't usually appreciate" thing.

  1. painfully scalding hot water
  2. old-school household chemicals/products (ammonia, Lysol, bleach, caustic lye, borax, soda, vinegar, paste-wax, Simichrome, etc.)
  3. All liver based and rotten dairy things
  4. bombastic "early", "avant-garde" and "minimalist" musics
  5. ancient things used as everyday things, whatever the real original thing was
  6. Stoicism
  7. Rabelais, et al
  8. Woolens
  9. music every waking moment, no silence ever other than the music of wild places
  10. all physical possessions having a inviolate place and useful purpose to exist in actual practice

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