Monday, June 08, 2020

Currently... (via FB friend)

Maybe this framing will help someone out there to understand.
It's a very well established fact that - on average - black folks in America are worse off than white folks, by any number of different metrics. Income. Wealth. Health outcomes. Quality of public schools. Police violence. Housing. Employment. Discrimination, both overt and subtle. And so on.
We can (and should) ask questions about exactly why this is.
But whatever those reasons are: that's what we're talking about when we talk about "structural racism".
Those who deny that structural racism exists are effectively denying that there's any external explanation for this state of affairs.
That leaves only the racist explanation: that it's somehow black folks' fault; that there's something inherent in blackness which prevents them from having greater success.
That is what you're saying when you say "structural racism doesn't exist".
So don't be surprised when people react accordingly.

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