Sunday, May 19, 2013


To the homo-mind, the basis of the trad-hetero universe is tawdry and small: at its core a crypto-Christian state-religion of romance-love-marriage-children, their blind faith in the reproductive cycle and the future (whether its heaven, “success” or fecundity), its a Grand-Guignol of kitsch Hollywood narratives embedded in Gnosticism, all confirming their self-satisfied superiority.

This model we reject.

From our point of view "The Nature of Things" is best described by Lucretius: our universe is ever changing, boundless with possibilities, but indifferent to us—- stunning, wondrous and terrifying, it is an endlessly creative and destructive theatre, with no single end, with no-mind or creator. The good life for us is the Epicurean, and so we choose our pleasures and friends carefully, based on our unique proclivities, for our brief lusty trip in this world. We accept this way is only seen by the few, ready minds, but that’s part of the adventure.

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