Thursday, September 14, 2006


I've been in your cells. I have literally seen that you are made of billions of tiny pieces of "Don't want to" and billions of tiny pieces of "But I have to." Every piece of you is in struggle instead of motion. Every atom in this room knows that it must move and it doesn't resist or struggle with that part of its nature. It doesn't argue with its urge to be in motion, and because of this, things like that coffee table remain solid. If the atoms in that table stopped moving, that table would cease to be matter, this we know. Well, it's like that with people, too, really. You see, inside all of us is a cellular and genetic code centuries old, designed to keep us in constant motion on a cellular level, some cells living, some cells dying, all part of the wiring designed to keep you living, to keep you moving, to keep you growing. But Andre has to fight it, doesn't he? Andre has to think about it, and analyze it, doesn't he? So, inside of Andre the cells receive their usual neurological directives, and then they listen to the hemming and hawing and wondering. The "I don't want to, but I have to" song and dance. The "Someday maybe, oh never mind, forget it" dance. The cells lurch to and fro, unsure of what they're being told. And for this, sir, you are literally the cause of your own cowardice. You are literally trying to make what is you disappear, cease to be matter. In that regard, you are biologically your own worst enemy, and I am your day of reckoning, the person who makes you stop fighting yourself. The person who makes you finally understand how to give in to your nature and enjoy the reward and abundance of that.

Currently listening :
Exit Music: Songs for Radio Heads
By Various Artists
Release date: By 18 April, 2006

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