From a friend's comrade in the Twin Cities:
"I am an anarchist in the Twin Cities, and I have seen anarchists in this town providing medical care, food, water, helping secure businesses, and organize against white supremacists. In our day to day lives, anarchists in the Twin Cities are active union members and organizers, caretakers of food shelves and community gardens, workers at cooperatives, providers of harm reduction and mental health services, copwatchers, musicians, and more.
Anarchists have stood with the movement against police brutality from the beginning. Many of us, especially black and brown anarchists, have taken injuries or arrests working as community members in the uprisings after the deaths of Jamar Clark, or Philando Castille. Anarchists have mobilized again and again to drive off white supremacists from this town, and more recently to defend and support health care workers.
Those of you blaming anarchists for the scariest parts of this uprising- how many anarchists do you know? Have you talked to an anarchist?
The narrative that this is all caused by outside agitators isn't something the cops believe. It's a justification that they need to say before they start committing much more serious violence. It's a justification for shooting youth from our city.
The main force from out of town who are causing violence in the Twin Cities are the cops and the National Guard."
Having thus excluded conversation and desisted from study, he had neither business nor amusement. His ideas, therefore, being neither renovated by discourse nor increased by reading, wore gradually away, till at last his anger congealed into madness.

Sunday, May 31, 2020
Currently... (via FB friend)

"Tonight the Minneapolis Police Department
Opened fire on our first aid station with no regard for the wounded people we had inside.
We were treating the 100% PEACEFUL protestors adults and teens who had come in with rubber bullet wounds, falls, scrapes and gashes, and mace/tear gas exposure when they marched in and began firing at us.
We put our hands up.
We shouted that we were first aid and were trying to help injured
We shouted we had hurt people inside that could not walk.
Nurses, Medics, EMTs walked out in front and Identfied themselves.
They fired gas, paint, and rubber bullets into us like it was Call of Duty.
I was hit multiple times with my hands up before it became to much to take and I had to run with everyone else.
A young man who had hurt his leg and couldn’t run was almost trampled by people
fleeing the shots.
Some medics and myself grabbed him, put him in a wheeled office chair and started running him out of the #firstaid station while they fired rubber bullets into my back.
We got him into a random car as gas and more bullets rained down on us. I was pulled away by the crowd as a van full of cops came through and began shooting at us as we fled.
More gas
More rubber bullets
I ran as fast as I could until the finally stopped chasing us.
Finding my way to a friends basement nearby where the rest of my team had fled to.
While we hid
A young couple was also trying to leave to protests.
They turned a corner and the police officers hit them with their high powered flash light and then shot this girl directly in the face.
Random protestors formed a shield around them as the young man picked her up and ran.
By the sheer grace of God they managed to stumble to the door of the place we were hiding in and were rushed down to the basement.
We frantically cleared a dirty laundry table as our AMAZING, FANTASTIC, BRAVE, SELFLESS, SUPERWOMAN Nurse (Ashley Huber who is a straight up medical GODESS) scavenged all the supplies we had managed to keep on us to treat this girl the best she could and probably saved her eye.
We are now huddled in the dark
Waiting for curfew to lift to get her the further help she needs
Because not a living soul in this probably traumatized group of civilians is going to call 911
After ambulances have repeatedly ignored our calls and the police are the ones who shot the small unarmed girl in the first place.
(EDIT: even if we wanted to try and get her to the hospital ourselves the Police SLASHED THE TIRES OF THE TRUCK WE USED TO GET HERE)
So while I wait for sunrise
I would like to let everybody know
That if you open your mouth about how “those people” need to peacefully protest
Covid-19 or not
I’m going to get into your personal space.
MY team
Were warriors for justice tonight
The Minneapolis, police department
Shot a small brown skinned girl in the face because she was outside and upset that they murdered a black in broad day light in front of people begging them to stop.
I cannot believe what I just witnessed. They pulled up onto the square with a police siren on and did this. #Louisville— Natalie Neysa Alund (@nataliealund) May 30, 2020
When eight humans own more than what half of the entire human race owns, "looting" is simply repossession.
Protesters in Nashville, Tennessee tore down the statue of a white supremacist.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
“An Injury to One is an Injury to All” A Minneapolis Bus Driver on Solidarity with Minneapolis Protesters
"Last night the people of Minneapolis rose up and set fire to a police precinct in response to the murder of George Floyd. Many are calling the incident a tragedy, and I have to agree. It’s tragic when an institution breaks its contracts with the public and leaves people with no choice but to burn it to the ground, but here we are.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, the violent criminals operating out of that place have been a huge burden on the tax system anyway.
Yes, it’s sad when a building’s life is cut tragically short in the service of justice. But if that particular institution had made better choices in its life, this never would have happened.
Ask yourself, what was that precinct doing in that neighborhood that late at night? Probably up to no good. The force used to detain it may be considered excessive by some but keep in mind, for all those protestors knew that building could have been armed.
I’m probably the least prejudiced person you will ever meet but look at the statistics. Who is it exactly committing all of these cold-blooded racially motivated murders? Blue people, plain and simple.
We can sit here and make excuses for what environment led to the fate of that precinct. “Where were its architects?” “Was lethal force necessary?” “Why weren’t the brutal, racist pigs who stole innocent human lives working there fired a long time ago?” None of that matters. It’s gone now. Each life that was stolen by an officer who represented that building is gone now. For good. They can’t be rebuilt. The precinct can be.
Let’s hope this is a lesson for all present and future precincts. Nothing bad will ever happen to you if you don’t break the law."
Let’s be honest with ourselves, the violent criminals operating out of that place have been a huge burden on the tax system anyway.
Yes, it’s sad when a building’s life is cut tragically short in the service of justice. But if that particular institution had made better choices in its life, this never would have happened.
Ask yourself, what was that precinct doing in that neighborhood that late at night? Probably up to no good. The force used to detain it may be considered excessive by some but keep in mind, for all those protestors knew that building could have been armed.
I’m probably the least prejudiced person you will ever meet but look at the statistics. Who is it exactly committing all of these cold-blooded racially motivated murders? Blue people, plain and simple.
We can sit here and make excuses for what environment led to the fate of that precinct. “Where were its architects?” “Was lethal force necessary?” “Why weren’t the brutal, racist pigs who stole innocent human lives working there fired a long time ago?” None of that matters. It’s gone now. Each life that was stolen by an officer who represented that building is gone now. For good. They can’t be rebuilt. The precinct can be.
Let’s hope this is a lesson for all present and future precincts. Nothing bad will ever happen to you if you don’t break the law."
Friday, May 29, 2020
Just some things to keep in mind. Stay safe friends.
Street protests are erupting in major cities across America. We should be preparing. Get your friends/ crew/ affinity groups together. Decide on roles (everyone of them is critical).
Antifascists have been fine-tuning violent encounters with fascists and their police protectors for years. Wear black head-to-toe. Masks up (you can do this with a black t-shirt, google Piqueteros). Comfortable footwear for being on your feet potentially for an entire day.
The more uniform everyone looks the harder it is for the state to identify who did what (no face no case). Wear another color under your black in case you need to strip it off to blend into the general population. Bring extra PPE to assist everyone in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Strikers should move to the role of unarresting/ interveneing physically against police violence. Pad your dominant forearm to absorb baton blows (it may save you a broken arm).
It's everyone's job to assist medics in collecting supplies and lending a hand when called on during an emergency. Call for a medic with both arms crossed over your head. "Medic"!!
In the event chemical irritants are deployed, eyes are washed with MILK first choice and water second choice (street medics have moved away from maylox in recent years). Do not wear contacts if you can help it/ wear eye protection. When medics offer a snack or water, take it (you need it). If someone goes down shield them with your body as they are vulnerable to attack/ trampling. Keep the cameras off injured peoples (short spray paint cans are good for taking care of camera lenses that refuse to move). After the action check in with medics. Medics are notoriously the worst at self-care during crisis and deal with major trauma. Show them care and emotional support.
Stay mobile, avoid being cornered/ kettled/ flanked. Cops will yell loudly/ concussion grenades are fucking loud. Their noise is meant to rattle and disorient you. Tear gas canisters will burn a naked hand. They should be returned with at least a 100% cotton gloved hand to the cops that shot them/ covered with something like a traffic cone.
Never turn your back to an attacker, do not run. Eyes constantly scan outside the crowd. Remain hyper-vigilant at all times. Leave no one behind.
In the event of arrest, do not tell cops anything, not even what you had for breakfast (everybody walks when nobody talks) Legal teams are already working to get you out/ bail is already being raised internationally. When the protest is over everyone who is able should go to the jail to stand in solidarity until everyone is released (there are exceptions, legal will help make that call). Write the legal number on your body in multiple places with sharpie.
In the event trans/ non-binary comrades are arrested or detained, cis people MUST go to jail with them. If you have to cross the police line or sit in the middle of the street to get this done, do it. We never let trans/ non-binary comrades go to jail alone. This also applies to white people when POC are arrested. We protect the most marginalized in our ranks.
One person not in the street needs critical info for those arrested. Real names/ DOB/ medications/ etc. Write it down somewhere safe off-site, burn it later. Do NOT use Google Docs or other online forms. These are insecure and subject to subpoena.
This is non-sectarian defense. We may have beef outside the protest, but in the street we stand shoulder-to-shoulder. We protect each other, we have each other's backs.
Just some things to keep in mind. Stay safe friends.
Street protests are erupting in major cities across America. We should be preparing. Get your friends/ crew/ affinity groups together. Decide on roles (everyone of them is critical).
Antifascists have been fine-tuning violent encounters with fascists and their police protectors for years. Wear black head-to-toe. Masks up (you can do this with a black t-shirt, google Piqueteros). Comfortable footwear for being on your feet potentially for an entire day.
The more uniform everyone looks the harder it is for the state to identify who did what (no face no case). Wear another color under your black in case you need to strip it off to blend into the general population. Bring extra PPE to assist everyone in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Strikers should move to the role of unarresting/ interveneing physically against police violence. Pad your dominant forearm to absorb baton blows (it may save you a broken arm).
It's everyone's job to assist medics in collecting supplies and lending a hand when called on during an emergency. Call for a medic with both arms crossed over your head. "Medic"!!
In the event chemical irritants are deployed, eyes are washed with MILK first choice and water second choice (street medics have moved away from maylox in recent years). Do not wear contacts if you can help it/ wear eye protection. When medics offer a snack or water, take it (you need it). If someone goes down shield them with your body as they are vulnerable to attack/ trampling. Keep the cameras off injured peoples (short spray paint cans are good for taking care of camera lenses that refuse to move). After the action check in with medics. Medics are notoriously the worst at self-care during crisis and deal with major trauma. Show them care and emotional support.
Stay mobile, avoid being cornered/ kettled/ flanked. Cops will yell loudly/ concussion grenades are fucking loud. Their noise is meant to rattle and disorient you. Tear gas canisters will burn a naked hand. They should be returned with at least a 100% cotton gloved hand to the cops that shot them/ covered with something like a traffic cone.
Never turn your back to an attacker, do not run. Eyes constantly scan outside the crowd. Remain hyper-vigilant at all times. Leave no one behind.
In the event of arrest, do not tell cops anything, not even what you had for breakfast (everybody walks when nobody talks) Legal teams are already working to get you out/ bail is already being raised internationally. When the protest is over everyone who is able should go to the jail to stand in solidarity until everyone is released (there are exceptions, legal will help make that call). Write the legal number on your body in multiple places with sharpie.
In the event trans/ non-binary comrades are arrested or detained, cis people MUST go to jail with them. If you have to cross the police line or sit in the middle of the street to get this done, do it. We never let trans/ non-binary comrades go to jail alone. This also applies to white people when POC are arrested. We protect the most marginalized in our ranks.
One person not in the street needs critical info for those arrested. Real names/ DOB/ medications/ etc. Write it down somewhere safe off-site, burn it later. Do NOT use Google Docs or other online forms. These are insecure and subject to subpoena.
This is non-sectarian defense. We may have beef outside the protest, but in the street we stand shoulder-to-shoulder. We protect each other, we have each other's backs.
Legal Defense Initiative
The Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative has identified and teamed up with top defense lawyers in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area to provide legal resources for those in need.
When there is an injustice within our community, it is our legal right to address it, by any means necessary.
If you, or a loved one is in need of legal assistance, or has been arrested while fighting injustice in the Minneapolis area, please complete the form below with as much detail as possible.
Once you have completed the form and it has been submitted, one of our team members will be in touch as soon as possible.
“Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.”
- Malcolm X

Black Lives Matter: West Virginia
We are not going to host a protest in this state.
1.) COVID already disproportionately impacts our Black and Brown bodies in this state.
2.) The focus should be on Minneapolis right now.
3.) All resources (no matter how big or small) should be going directly to those on the ground protesting in Minneapolis. Period.
4.) Other protests are rising regarding other communities across the country facing police violence and taking Black and Brown lives, we will be urging you to support them, too.
5.) Masks are needed in these communities who disproportionately have access to PPE while protesting.
6.) Bail and legal defense for protesters and rioters is needed right now. Resources for Medical bills as police shoot rubber bullets and maim protesters is needed right now.
7.) Our time will come to rise and protest the violence BIPOC face in WV. We hope that other states will come to assist us with resources when we fight against brutality against our existence. Right now, we are only focused on providing them the resources they need.
8.) If White WV wants to rally — Rally. But do so urging folks to send resources to Minneapolis and our sibling communities of color who are protesting against violence.
SIGN the petition for Tony McDade:
SUPPORT George Floyd’s Family:
SUPPORT Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar:
FUND bail & legal defense in Minneapolis:
PURCHASE swag to fund Minnesota Freedom Fund:
SEND masks to send to Minneapolis:
Holy Trinity
2730 E 31st Street
Minneapolis, MN 55406
SUPPORT Reclaim The Block
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Currently... (re: discussion on Swiss Army knives Vs. Leatherman Multitools)
Although I own several of them both, I still prefer actual individual tools, correctly designed for their function, to a compromised version made to fit in a pocket (or, gods help me, belt-mounted cases).
I don't need an everything-in-one device on my person, I carry a bag. A murse. A man-bag.
... Fine, it's a fucking big fancy Coach purse with matching wallet, keychain, and agenda. Fuck off. I love it, and have several tools to rescue and/or kill you in it.😜
I don't need an everything-in-one device on my person, I carry a bag. A murse. A man-bag.
... Fine, it's a fucking big fancy Coach purse with matching wallet, keychain, and agenda. Fuck off. I love it, and have several tools to rescue and/or kill you in it.😜
Monday, May 25, 2020
A guillotine cannot solve this...
"Global inequality is so significant that the eight richest billionaires have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population combined, NGO Oxfam said Monday."
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