Having thus excluded conversation and desisted from study, he had neither business nor amusement. His ideas, therefore, being neither renovated by discourse nor increased by reading, wore gradually away, till at last his anger congealed into madness.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
oki vs. pom- shimmy in the bathtub (wu-tan clan vs. leonard joy...
oki vs. pom- shimmy in the bathtub (wu-tan clan vs. leonard joy & the high hatters) from Sounds Good on Vimeo.
taken from the compilation album: zootboot vol. 2
free download + info at: zootboot.co.ukoki vs. pom- shimmy in the bathtub (wu-tan clan vs. leonard joy & the high hatters)
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1j4H25s
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
"If you repeatedly criticize someone for liking something you don’t, they won’t stop liking it...."
- (via aliwallacee)
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1iHwNDX
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
THE RAMONA FLOWERS | Tokyo from Bouha Kazmi on Vimeo.Music video...
THE RAMONA FLOWERS | Tokyo from Bouha Kazmi on Vimeo.
Music video by The Ramona Flowers performing ‘Tokyo’. © Distiller Records
Director / Bouha Kazmi
Executive Producers / Luti Fagbenle & Kimberly Hitchins
Producer / Chance Wilson
Video Commissioner/ Tom Bird
Director of Photography / Ben Fordesman
Editor / John Holloway
Costume Designer / David Hawkins
Hair & Make-up Designer / Natasha Lawes
Steadicam / Richard J Lewis
Focus Puller / Ed Tucker
Gaffer / Dom Aronin
Costume Maker / Jenny Svantesson
Rope Dresses / Eleanor Amoroso
Model Maker / Sangeet Prabhaker
Props Master / Miles Roberts
1st Assistant Director / Andrew Potter
Director’s Assistant / Sarah Tognazzi
Production Manager / Stefano Moses
Editing Company / Portobello Post
Colourist / Duncan Russell
Post Producers / Kayleigh Dugdale and Abi Klimaszewska
Grading Company / Glassworks
Visual Effects / Steve Waugh
Post Producer / Chris Chard
Post Production Company - Coffee & TV
Label / Distiller RecordsCAST:
Geisha / Masumi Saito
Boy / Ewan Hawkins
Woman / Vivien Bridson
Woman / Pam Glossop
Woman / Loetitia Delais
Woman / Helen Minassian
Woman / Faith Tarby
Woman / Lynn Radnedge
Woman / Judith Rosenbauer
Woman / Maureen Bryan
Woman / Faith Hanstater
Servant / David YuSPECIAL THANKS:
Filmscape Media
Coffee & TV
Eleanor Amoroso
Costume Studio
Purple PR
The London School of Make Up
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1iyrQgG
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Einstürzende Neubauten - Nagorny Karabach from neubauten.org on...
Einstürzende Neubauten - Nagorny Karabach from neubauten.org on Vimeo.
Music Video from the 2007 release “Alles Wieder Offen”
more info: neubauten.org
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1qJTzxq
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
SHOWstudio: SOAP OPERA - Joseph Lally: Episode#9: Death in...
SHOWstudio: SOAP OPERA - Joseph Lally: Episode#9: Death in Venice from SHOWstudio on Vimeo.
This episode of Lally’s ‘Soap Opera’ focuses on a handsome movie star applying for the role of a gangster in a french new wave film
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1m9TL7k
Saturday, April 12, 2014
alrightdarling: This is EXACTLY what I want to do when I see...
This is EXACTLY what I want to do when I see people twerking!
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1gnOzeK
Friday, April 11, 2014
The King of the Cats is Dead
The light on his thigh was like
a waterfall in Iceland, and his hair
was the tidal rip between two rocks,
his claws retracted sat in softness
deeper than the ancient moss of Blarney,
his claws extended were the coulter
of the gods and a raw March wind
was in his merely agricultural yawn.
Between his back legs was a catapult
of fecundity and he was riggish
as a red-haired man. The girls
of our nation felt him brush their legs
when they were bored with telling rosaries—
at night he clawed their brains in their
coffined beds and his walnut mind
wrinkled on their scalps. His holidays
were upside down in water and then
his face was like the sun: his smell
was in the peat smoke and even his midden
was a harmony of honey. When he stalked
his momentary mice the land shook
as though Atlantic waves were bowling
at the western walls. But his eyes
were the greatest thing about him.
They burned low and red so that drunks
saw them like two stars above a hedge,
they held the look of last eyes
in a drowning man, they were the sight
the rebel angels saw the first morning
of expulsion. And he is dead—a voice
from the centre of the earth told of his death
by treachery, that he lies in a hole
of infamy, his kidneys and his liver
torn from his body.
Therefore tell
the men and horses of the market-place,
the swallows laying twigs, the salmon
on the ladder that nothing is
as it has been
time is explored
and all is known, the portents
are of brief and brutal things, since
all must hear the words of desolation,
The King of the Cats is Dead
and it
is only Monday in the world.
magnacarterholygrail: my personal style is called “i don’t have the money for my preferred...
my personal style is called “i don’t have the money for my preferred aesthetic”
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/Ra3cJL
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Dorian Wood - “O” from Dorian Wood on...
Dorian Wood - “O” from Dorian Wood on Vimeo.
Written and performed by Dorian Wood
Copyright 2013 Why Are You Doing This Music (ASCAP)
From the album Rattle Rattle, available on iTunes, Amazon and BandcampDirected by Eduardo Alvarez
Based on a concept by Dorian WoodPerformers:
Rafael Esparza
Taryn Piana
Dorian WoodCinematography: Ani Vartivarian
Lighting: Tigran Tovmasyan
Make-up for DW: Taryn Piana
Hair for DW: Isaac Prado
Editing by LarsFilmed at Maker City L.A.
Special thanks to Austin Young and Teresa Garcia
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1gdPbzX
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Loved this movie, despite the requisite fucked ending. Queer...
Loved this movie, despite the requisite fucked ending. Queer cinema: never a happy ending!
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/PSei59
"Yeah, give me an octagon… to go."
—my dad, trying to order a crunchwrap supreme at the taco bell drive-thru. every time. (via floresdetrapo)
I lolled freelz!
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1hsVPaS
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Rufus Wainwright Bitter Tears from ben battersby on Vimeo.shot...
Rufus Wainwright Bitter Tears from ben battersby on Vimeo.
shot with Alexa shooting ProRes and BMCC 2.5k in RAW.
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1qjhYrq
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Budavár visszavétele 3D from ekho on Vimeo.Benczúr Gyula 1896-os...
Budavár visszavétele 3D from ekho on Vimeo.
Benczúr Gyula 1896-os történelmi kompozíciójának teljesen 3D-s rekreációja. Az összes karakter le lett modellezve és szükség szerint újrafestve; tehát nem 2.5D mint azt elsőre gondolná az ember :)
További információk és az “így készült” megtalálható az ekho.blog.hu -n sok más képemmel egyetemben.
English “making of” is up and running! You can find it on my Behance page!
A modest sidenote: (the reason of the tipjar): i am saving mone for a cintiq, it would really-really help me to make my own cartoon show for the kids.Best wishes:
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/PCoxdv