Wednesday, September 21, 2016

me normally: i think that it's important to keep in mind the cultural differences between ourselves and the ancients and remember that their ideas of sexuality aren't the same as ours. that being said, in a casual context i think it's perfectly fine to use modern terminology for the sake of ease and to allow us to relate to the past! :)

me normally: i think that it's important to keep in mind the cultural differences between ourselves and the ancients and remember that their ideas of sexuality aren't the same as ours. that being said, in a casual context i think it's perfectly fine to use modern terminology for the sake of ease and to allow us to relate to the past! :)
me the moment when somebody tries to tell me that we can't call the ancients gay: wow did you know how gay the ancients were!! they are just queerin it up over here like damn! sappho? gay! catullus? gay! hadrian and antinous? gay! alexander and hephaistion? hoo boy break out the rainbow togas boys because they are GAY

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